201. _Dio principio_ al trabajo. He made a beginning of the work.
202. Lo hizo _repetidas veces_. He did it several times.
=Page 106 (Review 66, 122, 99, 5).=
=Page 107 (Review 88, 133, 125).=
203. _Llamo_ a la puerta. He knocked at the door.
=Page 108 (Review 32, 57, 83, 179, 69, 106, 157, 30).=
204. Es mejor _de lo que_ yo creia. It is better than I thought.
205. Me _hablo al oido_. He whispered to me.
=Page 109 (Review 98, 47, 88, 112, 99, 76).=
=Page 110 (Review 1, 12, 142, 53, 99, 103).=
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