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Novelas Cortas

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195. Se viste _a la_ francesa.      He dresses himself in the
                                           French fashion.
196. Vino _a su vez_.               He came in his turn.
197. _Dista_ poco de aqui.          It is not very far from here.

=Page 102 (Review 72,107,6,53,160,99,16).=

=Page 103 (Review 170, 141, 132).=

198. _Me_ lo compro _a_ mi.         He bought it of me.
199. Lo se _de cierto_.             I know it quite certainly.

=Page 104 (Review 140, 82, 150).=

=Page 105 (Review 59, 30, 157, 15,115, 12, 14, 132).=

200. ?No _cae_ V.?                  Don't you understand?
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