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Novelas Cortas

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=Page 62 (Review 103, 41, 7, 53, 83, 22).=

=Page 63 (Review 12, 160, 133, 101, 61, 35, 50, 31).=

164. _A pesar nuestro_, lo oimos   In spite of ourselves, we heard it.
        (cf. 159).
165. _De_ cuando _en_ cuando.      From time to time.

=Page 64 (Review 66, 23, 5, 161, 8, 57).=

=Page 65 (Review 18, 6, 23, 53, 50, 133, 147, 59, 65).=

=Page 66 (Review 136, 30, 83, 62, 119).=

166. Es _cuanto_ tengo.            That is all I have.

=Page 67 (Review 29, 6, 28, 35, 9, 47).=
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