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Novelas Cortas

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158. ?Que le parece a V. eso?      How does that strike you?

=Page 59 (Review 101, 32, 53, 137, 38, 143, 83).=

159. _A pesar de_ esto.            In spite of this.
160. _Me llamo_ Juan.              My name is John.
161. Volvio _a_ los ocho dias      He returned after a week.
       (cf. 49).
162. Anduvo _desde_ Madrid         He walked from Madrid as far as
       _hasta_ Paris.                Paris.

=Page 60 (Review 38, 29, 112, 53).=

=Page 61 (Review 16, 31).=

163. _Se asio de_ mi mano.         He seized my hand.

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