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Novelas Cortas

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=Page 38 (Review 28, 15, 83, 35, 88, 12).=

128. Vamos a ver (cf. 138).        Let us see.
129. Estuvo _a la_ izquierda.      He was on the left side.
130. Anduvo _a ciegas_.            He went blindly.
131. _Cada cual_ seguia            Each one went on answering.

=Page 39 (Review 129, 54, 53, 116).=

132. _Es decir_ que vendre.        That is to say I will come.
133. _En tanto que_ lo hacia.      While he was doing it.
En tanto.                          During this time.
En esto.                           At this moment.
134. ?Que hora es?                 What time is it?

=Page 40 (Review 39, 97, 72, 133, 53, 48, 112).=
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