122. Les dio _de comer_. He gave them a dinner (_or_
something to eat).
123. _Ni_ uno vendra. Not one will come.
=Page 35 (Review 15, 9, 6, 46, 7, 23, 99, 80).=
124. Diez franceses, todos ellos Ten Frenchmen, all of them
oficiales. officers.
=Page 36 (Review 12, 119, 101, 6, 61, 97).=
125. Vino el _mismo_ rey. The king himself came.
126. Viene _ahora mismo_. He is coming even now.
127. _Me doy por_ vencido. I acknowledge myself conquered.
=Page 37 (Review 17, 15, 99, 6, 75, 80, 21, 53).=
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