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Novelas Cortas

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=Page 19 (Review 53, 48, 32, 41).=

85. Una idea cualquiera.            Some idea or other.
Cualquier hombre.                   Any (_or_ every) man.
86. Soy musico (sastre, etc.).      I am a musician (tailor, etc.).

=Page 20 (Review 18, 41, 29, 1, 48).=

87. Dio voces.                      He shouted.

=Page 21 (Review 29, 39, 23, 48, 80, 18, 15, 83).=

88. _Sigo_ hablando.                I go on talking.
_Siguio_ hablando.                  He continued talking.

=Page 22 (Review 15, 39, 53, 22, 54, 32).=

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