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Novelas Cortas

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=Page 17 (Review 9, 22, 42, 39, 70).=

78. Soy yo.                         It is I.
79. Me voy.                         I am going away.
Se fue.                             He went away.
80. _Hay_ tres amigos.              There are three friends.
_Hubo_ un hombre.                   There was a man.
Un hombre como _los hay_ en         A man such as there are in Africa.
8l. _En cuanto a_ mi.               As for me; as far as I am concerned
82. Vamonos (cf. note 31, 4).       Let us go away.
83. _Despues de_ eso.               After that.

=Page 18 (Review 39, 66, 7, 15, 16).=

84. Hice fuego.                     I fired.

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