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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Likes Complacent People

People who take things as they find them are the ones the Alimentive
prefers for friends, not only because, like the rest of us, he likes his
own kind of folks, but because the other kind seem incongruous to him.
He takes the attitude that resistance is a waste of energy. He knows
other and easier ways of getting what he desires.

There are types who take a lively interest in those who are different
from them, but not the Alimentive. He prefers easy-going, hospitable,
complacent friends whose homes and hearts are always open and whose
minds run on the simple, personal things.

The reason for this is obvious. All of us like the people, situations,
experiences and environments which bring out our natural tendencies,
which call into play those reflexes and reactions to which we tend
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