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How to Analyze People on Sight

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husband wants his wife to be irresistibly attractive to other men. So it
often happens that the Thoracic woman causes her husband much jealousy.

Her youthful actions and distinctive dressing make her a magnet for all
eyes. If he happens to be too different in type to understand her
naturalness and pure-mindedness in this he often suffers keenly.
Sometimes he causes _her_ to suffer for it when they get home.

Human Analysis makes us all more tolerant of each other. It enables us
to know why people act as they do, and, best of all, that they mean well
and not ill most of the time.

Dislikes the Monotonous

The Thoracic, you will remember, dislikes monotony. Everything
savoring of routine, sameness--the dead level--wears on him.
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