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How to Analyze People on Sight

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The same thing happens every day between severe, bony wives and their
florid, frolicking husbands. "She is a perfect housekeeper and a good
wife" exclaim her friends--"why should her husband spend his evenings
away from home?" These questions will continue to be asked until we
realize that being "a good housekeeper and a good wife" does not fill
the bill with a Thoracic man. A wife who will leave the dinner dishes
in the kitchen sink occasionally and run away with him for a "lark" on a
moment's notice is the kind that retains the love of her florid husband.
A husband who is willing to leave his favorite magazine, pipe, and
slippers to take her out in the evening is the kind a Thoracic woman
likes. She even prefers a "gay devil" to a "stick"--as she calls the
slow ones.

Makes Him Jealous

The Thoracic man wants his wife to look well and be pleasing but no
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