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How to Analyze People on Sight

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economic evolution. They have seen it decades and sometimes centuries in
advance. But they were always ridiculed at first.

The Mutterings of Morse

History is replete with the stories of unappreciated genius. In
Washington, D. C., you will have pointed out to you a great elm, made
historic by Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph. He could not make
the successful people of his day give him a hearing, but he was so
wrapped up in his invention that he used to sit under this tree whenever
the weather permitted, and explain all about it to the down-and-outers
and any one else who would stop. "Listen to the mutterings of that poor
old fool" said the wise ones as they hurried by on the other side of the
street. But today people come from everywhere to see "The Famous Morse
Elm" and do homage to the great mind that invented the telegraph.

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