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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Foreign dishes of all kinds depend for their introduction into this
country almost entirely upon these florid patrons. According to the
statements of restauranteurs this type says, "I will try anything once."
Many-course dinners, if the food is good, are especially popular with

"The Trimmings" at Dinner

Out-of-the-ordinary surroundings in which to dine are always welcome
to this type. The hangings, pictures, and furniture mean much to him.
Most people like music at meals but to the Thoracic it is almost
indispensable. He is so alive in every nerve, so keyed-up and has such
intense capacity for enjoyment of many things simultaneously that he
demands more than other types. An attentive waiter who ministers to
every movement and anticipates every wish is also a favorite with the
Thoracic when out for dinner.
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