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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Just as he is inclined to get into and out of psychological experiences
quickly, so he is inclined to sudden illnesses and to sudden
recuperations. A Thoracic seldom has any kind of chronic ailment. If he
acquires a superabundance of avoirdupois he is in danger of apoplexy.
The combination of extreme Thoracic and extreme Alimentive tendencies is
the cause of this disease.

Likes Fancy Foods

Variety and novelty in food are much enjoyed by this type. The
Alimentive likes lots of rich food but he is not so desirous of
varieties or freak dishes. But the Thoracic specializes in them.

You can not mention any kind of strange new dish whose investigation
won't appeal to some one in the crowd, and that person is always
somewhat thoracic. It gives him another promise of "newness."
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