interrupted in the following manner: "... there came in the time of
this Governor [Figueroa] to the city of Merida some Itzaex Indians,
saying that their purpose was to give their obedience to the King and
to the Governor in his name, and he gave them staffs as Alcaldes, and
appointed them a government, and they returned, leaving him in the
belief that they were voluntarily his subjects, but soon it was all
seen to be a trick. Now that it was known that the coming of those
Indians had no better end than this, in the reign of this Governor a
great reduction of this province was carried on, for many of the people
of this Province were fugitives in the Woodlands of Zahcabchen. By
these, says the Bachiller Valencia in his relation, were founded the
Villages of San Antonio de Zahcabchen, San Lorenzo de Vlumal, Tzuctok,
Cauich, by a commission headed by Captain Francisco de Villalobos, his
[Valencia's] grandfather, who intended the reduction of these
[Footnote 5.3: This was the Juan de Coronel who was the author of an
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