[Footnote 4.4: Champoton = Potonchan = Chakanputun = Chanputun.]
[Footnote 4.5: Antonio de Mendoza, Conde de Tendilla, born about 1480,
died 1552, was Viceroy of Mexico (New Spain) from 1535 to 1551. He
established the Bishopric of Michoacan in 1537 and from 1551 to 1552
was Viceroy of Peru. He was a statesman of excellent qualities.]
Chapter V
[Footnote 5.1: Villagutierre's spelling of proper names and
capitalization are given in most cases.]
[Footnote 5.2: Cogolludo adds some details concerning the mock embassy
of the Itzas to Merida which the account of Villagutierre lacks.
Cogolludo says (p. 472 ff.) that, in the time of Don Antonio de
Figueroa, who was Governor of Yucatan from August, 1612, to September,
1617, Yucatan enjoyed a goodly measure of prosperity, which was
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