juyu, a small basin for pounding corn. [Yucatan: huyub]
majaz, fiber....?
xemech, an earthenware pan for cooking maize. [Yucatan: xamach]
ma yaan, there is none. [Yucatan: minan]
uneec, a seed. [Yucatan: hinah]
chulul, the bow for shooting and the material of which it is made.
h[vo][vo]k, a large fish-hook.
coxti h[vo][vo]k, we are going to fish (?)
litz, a small fish-hook. [Yucatan: lutz, fish-hook]
cox ti man litz, we are going to buy a fish-hook
lutz, lazy (said of an animal)
hole, yesterday. [Yucatan: holhe]
meyah, to work. [Yucatan: manyah]
ten in [Ts]ah hunpel tomin ti a Juan, I give John a real. [Yucatan:
ten in [Ts]aic hunpel tomin ti Juan]
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