Yaxcava 12 " 12 " 12 " "
Tixcacal 12 " 12 " 12 " "
Peto 20 " 20 " 20 " "
All these Indians were to be in charge of Don Juan del Castillo,
captain of Tecax. Indians from Mani were to carry the supplies.
On January 23, 1697, Don Martin de Ursua set forth from Campeche after
giving thanks for aid received. On arriving at Tzucthok they took the
same road as on previous occasions. They camped at length two leagues
from the lake, having passed through Batcab. On the way south they
learned that the cacique of Tzucthok and some of the Indians of that
village had retired to such places as Apelchen, Bolonchen, Chabuhic,
and Sacauchen. Some of the Chanes, however, remained faithful, for
which Ursua rewarded them with presents. At about this time also,
although Ursua probably did not know of it, Berrospe had ordered the
troops of Guatemala to withdraw definitely from Mopan and other places.
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