Abad that he had prepared all sorts of supplies and munitions, and he
begged Don Roque de Soberanis to furnish him with advice as to the
proper payment for various things. Don Roque approved of everything
that Don Martin proposed, and he ordered that Abad, together with a
scrivener and an interpreter, should see to the proper financial
The Part to be Taken by Indian Villages. Ursua then asked that the
mountain villages of Tecax and Oxcuscab should be made to supply
service Indians. These, if granted, were to be under the orders of the
captain of Tecax; but Soberanis pointed out that those villages had
already done their share, and so he ordered that the Caciques of
Zotuta, Yaxcava, Tixcacal, and Peto should furnish the needed labor.
The part each was to take was as follows:
Zotuta 16 mules; 16 arrieros; 16 other Indians
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