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matters to a satisfactory conclusion by means of another expedition
into the Itza country. Accordingly he sent his orders to Alonso Garcia
de Paredes, who, with the soldiers of that unsuccessful expedition on
which Avendano had gone, was still in Tzucthok. In substance Paredes
was ordered to go and place himself and his men under the orders of the
President of Guatemala or his successor. To this end he was to go south
from Tzucthok, and always "trying to incline his route a little toward
the left hand, or towards the east, was to place himself in sight of
the town of Lacandones, which the President had discovered and named
Nuestra Senora de los Dolores."[10.1] Paredes was to fortify himself
there about five leagues from the town of Lacandon, and he was to stay
there without molesting the surrounding settlements. From the time of
receiving these instructions to the time when he built his stockaded
redoubt he was to take especial care to inform himself concerning the
people round about, and especially those along the road which was being
built. On arriving in the neighborhood of Lacandon and after the
founding of the redoubt, Paredes was to go to the President so as to
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