ill-fated Captain. On arriving at the shores of the lake he learned the
fate that had befallen Diaz de Velasco. Seeing that there was nothing
he could do with so small a force as that which he had at his disposal,
Amezquita withdrew to Chacal, and later on, by the order of Don Gabriel
Sanchez de Berrospe, the new President of the Audiencia of Guatemala,
he withdrew to Guatemala City.
Conclusion of the Subjection of the Itzas Begun. After the series of
events which we have just studied came to an end there was, for a time,
a lull in the war. Our knowledge of the incidents which followed the
break is derived from Villagutierre y Sotomayor. (Lib. v, caps. 7, 8,
etc.) According to this authority, events occurred in the following
Parades is Ordered to March to Los Dolores. Ursua determined to bring
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