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happened through a higher direction,--first since the said Indians went
on falling and getting up again, from their want of strength, and in
spite of all this, they followed the path which led from where they
left me up to the town of Chuntuci, which they reached in an hour and a
half, for they only stopped long enough to take some refreshment with
the said carriers, and to tell them how I was left to die in the
forest. Scarcely had they heard this, when without any delay, they
started out to come and get me, and the distance which it took my two
Indians to go in an hour and a half, the said carriers had to take a
day and a half in finding me, without their losing their road, by which
the miracle can easily be understood. Secondly, that my Indians, coming
to Chuntuci, and meeting these carriers loading, was all one (i.e.,
simultaneous), so that if they had stopped even a little, they would
not have met them, and consequently would not have found supplies to
bring to me, and even less should I have been able to start out for a
settlement. Therefore the hurry which I showed in sending them away was
by divine direction. They took me in the said hammock, and though it
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