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"They brought me a little meal that they eat, and in a moment they
warmed it so that I could drink it, they supporting me, one on one side
and one on the other, so that I might keep seated. They revived the
fire which was there, and warming up six cloaks very nicely, they
wrapped me up in them, and warmed my extremities, that is, my feet and
hands, since they were numb from weakness and cold air; I recovered by
means of that warmth and food which I drank, and in order to raise me,
they held aloft my whole body, stiff as if it was a sculptured statue.
They brought a hammock in which they took me to the town of Chuntuci,
from which I set out when I went among the said Ytzaes, and to which
the said Indians who carried me were loading up to go."

What had Happened to the Indians whom Avendano Sent off. "Portentous
surely was the present event, if all the circumstances are considered.
The two Indians left my presence, whom I sent off against their will,
so as to save their lives, forcing them to leave me alone. Everything
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