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Tan Xuluc Mul; Temples on a Great Height. "Having come then to this
pond of Tan xuluc mul an hour before sunset, we had to observe and
wonder with pleasure and delight, since the water which we found was
very fine and good. We found the hut already made, since undoubtedly
the Ytzaes kept up that place either for occupation from time to time
or as a permanent dwelling, for there are very many of them in those
places. We had to observe and wonder on some rocks or buildings on some
high places,--so high that they were almost lost to sight. And when we
caught sight of them clearly, the sun shining on them in full, we took
pleasure in seeing them; and we wondered at their height, since without
any exaggeration it seemed impossible that that work could have been
done by hand, unless it was with the aid of the devil, whom they say
they adore there in the form of a noted idol. We, with great zeal which
aided us, determined to go up and break it; and, as for me, most of
those who know me know that the lightness of my feet corresponds to the
passion of my zeal to destroy it. But I did not find a trail by which
the idolaters go up, and, even if I had found it, the ascent was always
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