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that it not only appeared another country, since even from the top of
the trees we did not discover the land beyond or the part on the other
side of this height. We thought that we doubtless were in another new
territory and near the Ytza nation, to which we were going. At a
distance of half a league from this descent, we came across a great
spring of water, which was able with its force to turn many mills, and
howsoever great the pleasure was which we felt at seeing it, just as
much disgust did the taste of it cause us, since it sprang from the
brow of a very high hill or steep rock, but it was all mixed with lime,
and was of a lead and sulphur color, and like this also was its weight
and taste. But we did not refrain from drinking it on this account,
since thirst appeared to us of worse taste and weight, although of
little advantage was it to us, since in a short time after we
experienced that weight and bad taste, and the fatigue of the road
which we traveled, we came in about a league upon a great pond, where
we camped for sleeping that night, since we had found there such good
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