journey led to Ixtapa, where they spent the night; the next day they
went to Pazon, then to Huehuetenango, which they entered on January 23,
1695, having journeyed forty-six leagues from Guatemala.
In Huehuetenango the President, the monks, the officers, and the men
all met with a warm welcome from the inhabitants. It is but natural
that, on the eve of an undertaking which must have appeared very
formidable to them, a large part of the time should be given up to
religious exercises. Captain Melchor Rodriguez Mazariegos joined the
party at the head of fifty men. Mazariegos himself, together with the
standard-bearer Juan Salvador de Mata and Sergeant Pedro de Chaves
Galindo, were all serving without pay, and many other people from the
region, as well as some from Tabasco, joined the army voluntarily.
Events at Huehuetenango. On January 29, Amezquita arrived from
Guatemala, where he had been making some final arrangements. Barrios
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