At the same time the President ordered Don Tomas (de Mendoza?) de
Guzman to go ahead with one hundred men and act as escort for the
Indians while they were putting up the houses near Ocozingo or any more
convenient place. Barrios had already informed Ursua that he intended
to set out in January, 1695, and the latter was to enter the unsubdued
area from the north at the same time. Surveyors were to go ahead of the
main body of men, and by means of smudges were to afford the greatest
possible facility for the road openers, who thus would be prevented
from going astray.
The Expedition Sets out from Guatemala City. At length the expedition
really did start. (Villagutierre, pp. 234 ff.) Besides the soldiers and
Indian bearers there were many friars, among whom were Padre Fray Diego
de Ribas, Padre Fray Antonio Margil, Missionary Padre Fray Pedro de la
Concepcion, Master Cano, and others. As the army set off, all the
citizens and nobility of Guatemala flocked to see them. The first day's
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