Matzin, San Pedro and San Pablo Ilixil, Assumpcion, San Joseph May, San
Miguel Manche, San Francisco Sacomo (= Secouamo on Hendges 1902?), and
San Fernando Axoy. Villagutierre (p. 161) gives a long list of the
places to which the Padres did not go.
The Dominicans and the Franciscans. We have already seen that most of
the curacies in Yucatan were in the hands of friars of the Franciscan
Order. In Guatemala, on the other hand, there was for a long time a
dispute between the Dominicans and the Franciscans as to which should
have the privilege of proselytizing in Guatemala. This quarrel, which
Remesal (p. 587 ff.) plainly thought disgraceful, was at its height
from 1551 to 1560. On January 22, 1556, cedulas were dispatched from
Valladolid bidding both the orders to live at peace with each other.
Both orders had fine churches in Guatemala.
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