Padres went to a place called May. After several interesting
adventures, told by Villagutierre (p. 157), they renamed the village
San Joseph May.
The rainy season shortly afterward began, and the missionaries retired
toward Cahabon, setting up crosses as landmarks at suitable places
along the way. When they regained their first village, San Lucas
Tzalac, they found matters much as they had left them. From San Lucas
they went to Cahabon, and from there to Cohan, in search of some
Indians called Axoyes, of whom they had heard. In response to a call
issued from Coban by Gallegos, one hundred and eighty persons came to
him. They had already been baptized and wanted only to confess.
Several Villages Founded. On this trip Padres Gallegos and Delgado
baptized twenty-three hundred and forty-six persons and founded many
villages: San Lucas Tzalac, Nuestra Senora del Rosario, San Jacinto
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