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Barbarians, and how many efficacious Means were to be insufficient to
reduce them to Peace; but that of War (is the best). But he pressed for
permission to make use of it in order to bring them to subjection."

Here it may be well to compare Cogolludo's account of these same events
with that of Villagutierre. Cogolludo (lib. ix, cap. 1) says that these
events took place in the reign of Bishop Don Fray Gonzalo de Salazar.
In 1609 a great plague did much harm in Yucatan. In 1610, at the end of
August, Salazar arrived to take the post of Bishop of Yucatan. At about
that time two Indians called Alonzo Chable and Francisco Canul gave out
that they were respectively the Pope and the Bishop, and they made the
wretched Catholic Indians venerate them as such. All the most sacred
mysteries of the Church were profaned by them, even the Host itself.
This deplorable state of affairs was brought to an end by the
intervention of the Governor of the village of Tikax in the sierra. He
was one Don Pedro Xiu, a descendant of Tutul Xiu, Lord of Mani. Owing,
perhaps, to the influence of a convent in his region, this chief was a
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