them by force of arms. And he pointed out the continuousness of their
wickedness, the perfidy of their idolatry, the wariness of their
tricks, the terror and fear in which they held those Provinces, and
what was necessary in order to punish and subject them by force."
The Mock Embassy Considered to be a Rebellion. "Especially, since they
had now given their obedience (though pretendingly) and since they had
departed from it, the prohibition to make War on them was at an end.
For, if His Majesty had indeed so prohibited War, these Indians were
now Vassals of the King, and failure in vassalage was a species of
Rebellion and Uprising. And if they had given their obedience
feigningly and craftily or with any improper end, it was a piece of
rudeness worthy of not being left without very severe chastisement.[5.2]
"It does not appear whether this Governor divined what was to occur in
the future from the obstinacy, cruelty, and malevolence of these
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