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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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dietary, although I do not suggest that any reader should try it. If he
did so he would probably eat too many nuts, not realising how great an
amount of nourishment is contained in a concentrated form. No one should
eat more than a quarter of a pound of nuts per day, in addition to other
food. A pound per day would be more than sufficient if no other food
were taken. I have little doubt but that the diet of the future will
consist solely of nuts and fresh fruit. After all it is the food most
favoured by monkeys, and our teeth and digestive apparatus more nearly
resemble those of the monkey than the carnivorous and herbivorous
animals so many of us seemingly prefer to imitate.

The chief objection to nuts is supposed to be on account of their
indigestibility. But this has its foundation, not in the nut, but in the
manner of eating it. I recommend all those people who find nuts
indigestible to pay a visit to the Zoo and see how the monkey eats his
nuts. He chews and chews and chews. And after that he chews!

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