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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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I know, alas! that the majority of people do not possess teeth like the
monkey, and to these I can only suggest that they macerate their nuts in
a nut butter machine. There are several of these machines on the market,
and they are stocked by all large "Food-Reform" provision dealers. They
cost anything from six or seven shillings. The daily allowance of nuts
may be thoroughly macerated and eaten with fruit in the place of cream.
Ordinary people may use a nut-mill, which flakes, not macerates, the
nuts. But people with bad teeth and a weak digestion will do better to
invest in a nut butter machine. I may add that the nuts will not
macerate properly unless they are crisp, and to this end they must be
put in a warm oven for a short time, just before grinding. I have found
new, English-grown walnuts crisp enough without this preparation. But if
the nuts are _not_ crisp enough they will simply clog the machine.

Now to our nuts! Almonds are the most nourishing. Next in order come
walnuts, hazel or cob nuts, and Brazil nuts. The proteid value of these
three does not differ much. After these come the chestnut and cocoanut,
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