position is much as though they had got hold of an incriminating document, but couldn't read it because it was in cipher--but we know that the draft treaty wasn't in cipher--couldn't be in the nature of things--so that won't wash. But there's SOMETHING. Of course, Jane Finn may be dead for all we know--but I don't think so. The curious thing is that THEY'RE TRYING TO GET INFORMATION ABOUT THE GIRL FROM US." "What?" "Yes. One or two little things have cropped up. And your story, little lady, confirms my idea. They know we're looking for Jane Finn. Well, they'll produce a Jane Finn of their own--say at a pensionnat in Paris." Tuppence gasped, and Mr. Carter smiled. "No one knows in the least what she looks like, so that's all right. She's primed with a trumped-up tale, and her real business is to get as much information as possible out of us. See the idea?"
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