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The Secret Adversary

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"It won't," Tuppence assured him positively.

"I'll look after her, sir," said Tommy.

"And I'll look after YOU," retorted Tuppence, resenting the manly

"Well, then, look after each other," said Mr. Carter, smiling. "Now
let's get back to business. There's something mysterious about this
draft treaty that we haven't fathomed yet. We've been threatened with
it--in plain and unmistakable terms. The Revolutionary element as good
as declare that it's in their hands, and that they intend to produce it
at a given moment. On the other hand, they are clearly at fault about
many of its provisions. The Government consider it as mere bluff
on their part, and, rightly or wrongly, have stuck to the policy of
absolute denial. I'm not so sure. There have been hints, indiscreet
allusions, that seem to indicate that the menace is a real one. The
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