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The Count of Monte Cristo

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hand, "Heaven be praised, and his holiness also," said he in a loud
voice; "here is a pardon for one of the prisoners!"

"A pardon!" cried the people with one voice--"a pardon!" At this cry
Andrea raised his head. "Pardon for whom?" cried he.

Peppino remained breathless. "A pardon for Peppino, called Rocca
Priori," said the principal friar. And he passed the paper to the
officer commanding the carbineers, who read and returned it to him.

"For Peppino!" cried Andrea, who seemed roused from the torpor in
which he had been plunged. "Why for him and not for me? We ought to die
together. I was promised he should die with me. You have no right to put
me to death alone. I will not die alone--I will not!" And he broke
from the priests struggling and raving like a wild beast, and striving
desperately to break the cords that bound his hands. The executioner
made a sign, and his two assistants leaped from the scaffold and seized
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