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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Yes, if he be poor and inexperienced, not if he be rich and skilful;
besides, the worst that could happen to him would be the punishment
of which we have already spoken, and which the philanthropic French
Revolution has substituted for being torn to pieces by horses or broken
on the wheel. What matters this punishment, as long as he is avenged? On
my word, I almost regret that in all probability this miserable Peppino
will not be beheaded, as you might have had an opportunity then of
seeing how short a time the punishment lasts, and whether it is worth
even mentioning; but, really this is a most singular conversation for
the Carnival, gentlemen; how did it arise? Ah, I recollect, you asked
for a place at my window; you shall have it; but let us first sit down
to table, for here comes the servant to inform us that breakfast is
ready." As he spoke, a servant opened one of the four doors of the
apartment, saying--"Al suo commodo!" The two young men arose and entered
the breakfast-room.

During the meal, which was excellent, and admirably served, Franz looked
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