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The Count of Monte Cristo

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is ready. These gentlemen," added he, turning to the two friends, "will,
I trust, do me the honor to breakfast with me?"

"But, my dear count," said Albert, "we shall abuse your kindness."

"Not at all; on the contrary, you will give me great pleasure. You
will, one or other of you, perhaps both, return it to me at Paris. M.
Bertuccio, lay covers for three." He then took Franz's tablets out of
his hand. "'We announce,' he read, in the same tone with which he
would have read a newspaper, 'that to-day, the 23d of February, will be
executed Andrea Rondolo, guilty of murder on the person of the respected
and venerated Don Cesare Torlini, canon of the church of St. John
Lateran, and Peppino, called Rocca Priori, convicted of complicity with
the detestable bandit Luigi Vampa, and the men of his band.' Hum! 'The
first will be mazzolato, the second decapitato.' Yes," continued
the count, "it was at first arranged in this way; but I think since
yesterday some change has taken place in the order of the ceremony."
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