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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Cristo is unquestionably a man of first-rate breeding and knowledge of
the world."

"Then you accept his offer?" said the host.

"Of course we do," replied Albert. "Still, I must own I am sorry to
be obliged to give up the cart and the group of reapers--it would have
produced such an effect! And were it not for the windows at the Palazzo
Rospoli, by way of recompense for the loss of our beautiful scheme, I
don't know but what I should have held on by my original plan. What say
you, Franz?"

"Oh, I agree with you; the windows in the Palazzo Rospoli alone decided
me." The truth was, that the mention of two places in the Palazzo
Rospoli had recalled to Franz the conversation he had overheard the
preceding evening in the ruins of the Colosseum between the mysterious
unknown and the Transteverin, in which the stranger in the cloak had
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