afterwards. For heaven's sake, do not serve as a conductor between that
man and me. Pursue your chase after him to-morrow as eagerly as you
please; but never bring him near me, if you would not see me die of
terror. And now, good-night; go to your rooms, and try to sleep away all
recollections of this evening. For my own part, I am quite sure I shall
not be able to close my eyes." So saying, the countess quitted Franz,
leaving him unable to decide whether she were merely amusing herself at
his expense, or whether her fears and agitations were genuine.
Upon his return to the hotel, Franz found Albert in his dressing-gown
and slippers, listlessly extended on a sofa, smoking a cigar. "My dear
fellow." cried he, springing up, "is it really you? Why, I did not
expect to see you before to-morrow."
"My dear Albert," replied Franz, "I am glad of this opportunity to
tell you, once and forever, that you entertain a most erroneous notion
concerning Italian women. I should have thought the continual failures
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