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The Count of Monte Cristo

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on the waters, and he is on the open sea; then they pursue him, and he
has suddenly taken refuge in the islands, at Giglio, Guanouti, or Monte
Cristo; and when they hunt for him there, he reappears suddenly at
Albano, Tivoli, or La Riccia."

"And how does he behave towards travellers?"

"Alas! his plan is very simple. It depends on the distance he may be
from the city, whether he gives eight hours, twelve hours, or a day
wherein to pay their ransom; and when that time has elapsed he allows
another hour's grace. At the sixtieth minute of this hour, if the
money is not forthcoming, he blows out the prisoner's brains with a
pistol-shot, or plants his dagger in his heart, and that settles the

"Well, Albert," inquired Franz of his companion, "are you still disposed
to go to the Colosseum by the outer wall?"
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