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The Count of Monte Cristo

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to speak to you,' said the sentinel.--'What has he to say?' inquired
the young man who was in command in the chief's absence.--'I wish to
say that I am tired of a shepherd's life,' was Vampa's reply.--'Ah,
I understand,' said the lieutenant; 'and you seek admittance into our
ranks?'--'Welcome!' cried several bandits from Ferrusino, Pampinara,
and Anagni, who had recognized Luigi Vampa.--'Yes, but I came to ask
something more than to be your companion.'--'And what may that be?'
inquired the bandits with astonishment.--'I come to ask to be your
captain,' said the young man. The bandits shouted with laughter.
'And what have you done to aspire to this honor?' demanded the
lieutenant.--'I have killed your chief, Cucumetto, whose dress I now
wear; and I set fire to the villa San-Felice to procure a wedding-dress
for my betrothed.' An hour afterwards Luigi Vampa was chosen captain,
vice Cucumetto deceased."

"Well, my dear Albert," said Franz, turning towards his friend; "what
think you of citizen Luigi Vampa?"
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