"In this case," replied Caderousse, "let's have some more wine. I wish
to drink to the health of Edmond and the lovely Mercedes."
"You have had too much already, drunkard," said Danglars; "and if you
continue, you will be compelled to sleep here, because unable to stand
on your legs."
"I?" said Caderousse, rising with all the offended dignity of a drunken
man, "I can't keep on my legs? Why, I'll wager I can go up into the
belfry of the Accoules, and without staggering, too!"
"Done!" said Danglars, "I'll take your bet; but to-morrow--to-day it is
time to return. Give me your arm, and let us go."
"Very well, let us go," said Caderousse; "but I don't want your arm at
all. Come, Fernand, won't you return to Marseilles with us?"
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