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The Count of Monte Cristo

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at every word uttered by Luigi, 'but of course your reply was only to
please me.'

"'I have promised no more than I have given you, Teresa,' said Luigi
proudly. 'Go into the grotto and dress yourself.' At these words he
drew away the stone, and showed Teresa the grotto, lighted up by two
wax lights, which burnt on each side of a splendid mirror; on a rustic
table, made by Luigi, were spread out the pearl necklace and the diamond
pins, and on a chair at the side was laid the rest of the costume.

"Teresa uttered a cry of joy, and, without inquiring whence this attire
came, or even thanking Luigi, darted into the grotto, transformed into a
dressing-room. Luigi pushed the stone behind her, for on the crest of a
small adjacent hill which cut off the view toward Palestrina, he saw a
traveller on horseback, stopping a moment, as if uncertain of his road,
and thus presenting against the blue sky that perfect outline which is
peculiar to distant objects in southern climes. When he saw Luigi,
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