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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"As to supper," replied the landlord, "you shall be served immediately;
but as for the carriage"--

"What as to the carriage?" exclaimed Albert. "Come, come, Signor
Pastrini, no joking; we must have a carriage."

"Sir," replied the host, "we will do all in our power to procure you
one--this is all I can say."

"And when shall we know?" inquired Franz.

"To-morrow morning," answered the inn-keeper.

"Oh, the deuce! then we shall pay the more, that's all, I see plainly
enough. At Drake's or Aaron's one pays twenty-five lire for common days,
and thirty or thirty-five lire a day more for Sundays and feast days;
add five lire a day more for extras, that will make forty, and there's
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