will excuse him, as very important business calls him to Malaga."
"So, then, Gaetano," said Franz, "this is, then, all reality; there
exists a man who has received me in this island, entertained me right
royally, and his departed while I was asleep?"
"He exists as certainly as that you may see his small yacht with all
her sails spread; and if you will use your glass, you will, in all
probability, recognize your host in the midst of his crew." So saying,
Gaetano pointed in a direction in which a small vessel was making sail
towards the southern point of Corsica. Franz adjusted his telescope, and
directed it towards the yacht. Gaetano was not mistaken. At the stern
the mysterious stranger was standing up looking towards the shore, and
holding a spy-glass in his hand. He was attired as he had been on the
previous evening, and waved his pocket-handkerchief to his guest in
token of adieu. Franz returned the salute by shaking his handkerchief as
an exchange of signals. After a second, a slight cloud of smoke was seen
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