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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Caderousse, who had let his head drop on the table, now raised it, and
looking at Fernand with his dull and fishy eyes, he said,--"Kill Dantes!
who talks of killing Dantes? I won't have him killed--I won't! He's my
friend, and this morning offered to share his money with me, as I shared
mine with him. I won't have Dantes killed--I won't!"

"And who has said a word about killing him, muddlehead?" replied
Danglars. "We were merely joking; drink to his health," he added,
filling Caderousse's glass, "and do not interfere with us."

"Yes, yes, Dantes' good health!" said Caderousse, emptying his glass,
"here's to his health! his health--hurrah!"

"But the means--the means?" said Fernand.

"Have you not hit upon any?" asked Danglars.

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