during the greater portion of the year, this island is deserted, if the
secret of this abode were discovered. I should doubtless, find on my
return my temporary retirement in a state of great disorder, which would
be exceedingly annoying, not for the loss it occasioned me, but because
I should not have the certainty I now possess of separating myself from
all the rest of mankind at pleasure. Let me now endeavor to make you
forget this temporary unpleasantness, and offer you what no doubt you
did not expect to find here--that is to say, a tolerable supper and
pretty comfortable beds."
"Ma foi, my dear sir," replied Franz, "make no apologies. I have
always observed that they bandage people's eyes who penetrate enchanted
palaces, for instance, those of Raoul in the 'Huguenots,' and really
I have nothing to complain of, for what I see makes me think of the
wonders of the 'Arabian Nights.'"
"Alas, I may say with Lucullus, if I could have anticipated the honor of
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