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The Count of Monte Cristo

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your good deeds."

And with a smile expressive of supreme content, he left his
hiding-place, and without being observed, descended one of the flights
of steps provided for debarkation, and hailing three times, shouted
"Jacopo, Jacopo, Jacopo!" Then a launch came to shore, took him on
board, and conveyed him to a yacht splendidly fitted up, on whose deck
he sprung with the activity of a sailor; thence he once again looked
towards Morrel, who, weeping with joy, was shaking hands most cordially
with all the crowd around him, and thanking with a look the unknown
benefactor whom he seemed to be seeking in the skies. "And now," said
the unknown, "farewell kindness, humanity, and gratitude! Farewell to
all the feelings that expand the heart! I have been heaven's substitute
to recompense the good--now the god of vengeance yields to me his power
to punish the wicked!" At these words he gave a signal, and, as if only
awaiting this signal, the yacht instantly put out to sea.

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