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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Will you not see my sister once more?" asked Maximilian. A last
but final hope was concealed by the young man in the effect of this
interview, and therefore he had suggested it. Morrel shook his head. "I
saw her this morning, and bade her adieu."

"Have you no particular commands to leave with me, my father?" inquired
Maximilian in a faltering voice.

"Yes; my son, and a sacred command."

"Say it, my father."

"The house of Thomson & French is the only one who, from humanity, or,
it may be, selfishness--it is not for me to read men's hearts--has had
any pity for me. Its agent, who will in ten minutes present himself to
receive the amount of a bill of 287,500 francs, I will not say granted,
but offered me three months. Let this house be the first repaid, my son,
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